Friday, August 27, 2004

Out of the mouths of Babes

Today I was counseled by a 5 1/2 yr old girl. Put me in my place too!!!

link to MysticWicks Thread

Everyone remembers Twig right? Well he's on my MSN and has been for quite some time now. From time to time, my daughter looks over my shoulder as I chat away to friends online. She can't read very well yet, but she likes to watch my fingers go a mile a minute...


My daughter saw Twig sign in the other day, and said... "Mommy, what's a Twig"? and I said "he's a druid friend of mine" and she looked at me with a straight face and said, "Oh, so he's not quite a mighty oak yet, right?"

Out of the mouths of babes!!!


Yes I am a Mighty Oak. But isn't an Oak no more than a nut gone good? Which explains the response I gave her. Speaking of Mysticwicks...

Now I get a personal taste of the meglomania I have heard of from others, the tales of why they left. It's really an ironic shame that the very thing we/they dreamed of is going to be it's undoing. I still say the premise of MW is a sound one. But the sheer numbers of people together has fostered the same political posturing and polarization that has ruined others groups in the past. Too bad they disbanded the mods. Now a select few rule an entire city. "BEWARE Caeser! Brutis lurks in the shadows! And a murmur of discontent can be heard in the populace."

Well Then! My self imposed 24 hour cooling off period is about over in regards to THE administrators harangue about my leaving there and coming back repeatedly(Twice). Jesus, I could cut a wound at that site that would rattle the very ground if I chose. But I won't because of those who run it, those who do care and the new seekers that NEED the direction afforded by this community. But I will leave something to give people pause to think.

Hehehe "It's all about me." you think? Nooo, it's about people like you. The first time I left was because people like you are callous enough to take the cops position over a 71 yr old blind woman. Oh, by the way! The city settled out of court. She will live quite comfortably for the few remaining years she has left. So EAT ME!

Last month? Well lets just say there are none so blind as those That can't see past their own ambitions. Was that thread I posted about me? Noooo, it was a simple request to show a soldier going to war he's basically opposed to that the people they are dying for care.

So.....should I show him the responses his countrymen gave as he left his wife, his job, children & family? The gratitude of the people that he is prepared to die for!!?? No I won't and I'm glad he didn't see this antithesis of his nations pride before he left.

Wise people will see that I left BECAUSE of people like you. But I returned DESPITE it because others personally asked me to and I had a 5 year old that had some personal Wisdom to impart to me.

Monday, August 16, 2004


Well, i have to go to Marcs send off formation today. This is gonna kill me and I don't want to do it.....yes I do. The honor of being invited to this is great.

More later

What does the person that is supposed to be strong in times like these do when he knows that if things were done right 10 years ago he would be there and spare the seperstion of his daughter and her husband?

God DAMNIT Bush! If your father hadn't been sucha fuckin panty waist I would have gone, we would have bombed Bagdad into a freakin parking lot, Saddam would have been out and NONE of this would be neccesary!

Oh well. I just do what I always do. I bury this pain and be there for those in greater need than me. Like I said, SOMEone has to be strong or else the others have no point to ground to.

Ya know...I wonder when/if I'll finally get to the point I CAN'T help any more. When does the pain get too much? I'm close dear Gods. Real close.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Enter the Other Side

I am a maintenence man by trade. One of 8 at a 608 unit apt. complex. There was 9 people until Nick got cancer. 3 weeks after his "retirement" the memo came down

"Wage freeze for 3 months."

After a few weeks it became apparent that they were not going to fill this position. That is when the changes took place. You see during the summer I maintain 4 outdoor pools totaling ~150,000 gals. One pool alone is 93,000 gals! It was 5 pools but they are going to bury the worse one and I refused to allow it to open. (I am also a nationally certified (NSPF) aquatics tech with that power).

Suddenly this year I find I'm given ~ 3 hrs a day to accomplish what I did in 40 hours a week.....and it AIN'T working!

More later.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Of Friends and Thieves

So someone tell me why anyone would value friendship so little that they would steal the last of my green(which I primaraly use for medical reasons).

I don't mind my wallet getting stolen...twice in 6 mths because I'm perpetually broke. But to steal the thing that keeps me from being in constant pain? Thats just fucking WRONG!

May they have the same pain I am feeling right now for the rest of their life.

8/4 - My wallet came back to me! Therese was walking out of the local Thriftway store when a clerk stopped her and asked
"Aren't you the wife of that guy with the ponytail that always comes in here?"

T replies "yeah"

"Well we have his wallet!"

I went in and called that store for 2 weeks after it came up missing with a negative every time. Suddenly it shows up 2 days before my birthday.

Thank you my Gods! For unexpected presents!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

The Multnomah Falls Wedding of Marcus & Kateri

Wedding; Multnomah Falls OR. Posted by Hello

Of Iraq and other things

Friends and Family, Brothers and Sisters. One of the people I call family is going to Iraq. Thereses' daughter Kateris' husband Marcus...our son-in law. In mid Aug. his unit is going for pre-training for 6 months then off to Iraq. what is more worisome is that he is a truck driver with the associated risks.

But I hold a tighter bond to this man than just that. You see, I was the minister that performed their wedding last Nov. when he first heard of the possiblity that this may happen soon. Here are a couple of pics.

This brave man is proud to serve his country and we are proud of him. I can't help but feel even closer as his unit is the same one I belonged to 10 years ago!!! So I am an alumni of the departing unit.

What Therese and I want to do is to have as many people post their letters of encouragement here so we may send them with him.

We have until Aug 15....I, we ( yes my Love they know you worry more than I do.) beg of you to help us give him protection. He is not pagan but a good "kid" 27, and will appreciate any good words he can get. It is also his BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!

Everyone, I don't ask much but I plead to you now, For a note of support to them and any protective energy you can spare.

Marcus and Kateri...(sorry no last name, security) thank you from the bottom of their heart do we

Rev. R. Twig Jones & Therese Thielen