Saturday, July 19, 2008

Is this the one???

It Better Be!

Those who know me know the BS I've gone through in my work life in the last year. The latest folly the Gods threw me was a boss that was a female version of the SOB I worked under for 10 years. Tis ok! Karma will prevail for the accusations she put out about me and my family.

I started a new job last week. A condo maintenance tech at one of the oldest and most prestigious firms in PDX . Spent the first week doing pool route work and being assessed by the head tech, as they are still preparing the place I'll go ultimately.

So Tuesday evening we walk in the shop and find out that 1 of the spas has been closed by the county! All the chemicals are out of whack they said. WTF!!? The water was analyzed and we introduced exactly what they said to. So I was told that Thursday I would go there and spend the whole day taking measurements each hour and observing bather load and make my recommendations. Sure, its what I do after all, eh?

Well I get there and and first thing I notice is someone has told them it's a 900 gal. spa. To make a long story short I think "Naaaaah it's gotta be half that!". So after a call to one of my network people we agree that I am looking at a 400-450 gal spa at best! Using that as a base I dosed it muriatic acid to get a base to work with and after doing all the calculations introduce what I believe to be the right amount of chemicals. TADAAA! I dialed that puppy in perfectly the first time.

Then at 1:00 the owner of the condo assn. comes in and I spend the next hour explaining to her the specifics of my recommendations and giving her a crash course on pool and spa upkeep. ( I hope I didn't confuse the poor lady TOO much! Hehe). By the time I made it back to the shop she had already emailed the boss and couldn't thank them enough for sending me.

Then I'm told yesterday that I'm to take over the route for the head tech Mon. & Tues. on some of their oldest and most respected accounts being he is taking a much needed couple of days off. Hmm, sounds like I made a pretty good impression I guess!

My point? The bitch I first spoke of said I completely overstated how good I was on these things in my resume. And yet, after only 1 week I've impressed these people enough that I'll be working on properties that go for up to $750,000 with an on-site placement at a Willamette riverfront condo.

"Hey Avin. It seems I'm good enough for 3/4 million dollar condos but not good enough for your 30 year outhouses with a slime pit of a pool. Perhaps you should reevaluate and stop making snap decisions based on first impressions.

Let's discuss the conversation that led to me being fired from my last job shall we?

-You accused me of possibly having ADD. And yet, I'm to take over a route that encompasses 3 counties and properties that make where you manage look like the St. Johns landfill after only 4 days. Odd that a Maintenance/Pool tech with over 20 years under his belt can see my worth and you couldn't. Well I guess not being this is the first property you've ever managed.

-You accused me of being a possible drug user and yet I passed their U.A. with flying colors. Hmmm guess that accusations kinda blown out of the water eh?

-Then you say a scent that I use and consider to be a mark of my religion is a cover up for this alleged drug use? Congratulations! Now you've even insulted my religious beliefs!! I'm sure a lawyer would loooove to get his hands on that one! I think it's called defamation of character if not religious discrimination.

-Then you accused my family of being possible thieves!!? Ummm, would that be my retired, handicapped sister or my brother, who is a retired police detective and a consultant to the FBI on cyber-crime?

You have been in your isolated little so called glass castle
for over 6 years now. When the ax falls... and it will, you will find out what the real world is actually like now.

And it AIN'T pretty.

"Karma baby, karma"
