Monday, August 16, 2004


Well, i have to go to Marcs send off formation today. This is gonna kill me and I don't want to do it.....yes I do. The honor of being invited to this is great.

More later

What does the person that is supposed to be strong in times like these do when he knows that if things were done right 10 years ago he would be there and spare the seperstion of his daughter and her husband?

God DAMNIT Bush! If your father hadn't been sucha fuckin panty waist I would have gone, we would have bombed Bagdad into a freakin parking lot, Saddam would have been out and NONE of this would be neccesary!

Oh well. I just do what I always do. I bury this pain and be there for those in greater need than me. Like I said, SOMEone has to be strong or else the others have no point to ground to.

Ya know...I wonder when/if I'll finally get to the point I CAN'T help any more. When does the pain get too much? I'm close dear Gods. Real close.


At Monday, May 09, 2005 8:49:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spent ten years as a soldier in the Middle East and I have asked myself those same questions time after time and I always get the same answer: "How much are you willing to endure in faithfulness to all you hold dear?" "What sacrifice would you be willing to make to insure a future for your children?"
Faith is courage in the face of adversity. A man who is not courageous in his living has no business in life. The Druidic Path is first of all a warriors path. It is not a way for the timid or faint of heart. The ancient Wisdom asks us: "What is the soul if it is not as steel forged in the fires of adversity?" We are an "Enduring" folk because we are a willing folk, willing to endure in faithfulness. I was raised with the idea that "Suffering was the lot of the Irish but that our greatest virtue was our willingness to endure in faithfulness to our Gods.


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