of Church, Trees and Omens
Sunday is my Monday and I clean half the property. While on my rounds I check a 1 acre patch of woods where my "chapel" is located. Twisty Paths intertwine throughout the douglas firs, 20 or so in number, cedars, oregon grape, poison ivy, and assorted bushes. Off the main trail in one corner is a semi-clearing some 10 ft around. centered there is a twin pair of douglas firs. No more than 4 ft apart and so close in height there is no doubt they came from the same cone.
Entering the circle I give my blessings as I approach then circle the twins counterclockwise. Brushing my hands on them as I call to them. Then standing between them I place my hands on each as I submit myself to Andrasta and The One. As they know me, the Firs accept my presence and they amplify my prayers. Power surges through me and recharges me for the future and the tests to come.
Today I asked for guidance as I entered the "glade" and in the middle of everything heard a noise off to the left, where there is no Path. Looking up there sat a gray squirrel in a small hazelnut tree. Searching throughout the sapling he finally found the hazels seed. Peeling and then crunching into the green nut he sat watched me unflinchingly.
There sat my Spirit Guide, actually showing himself to me! As he ate he appraised me, never taking his eyes off mine. Finishing he sat there....turned and start to leave....then hesitated.
Turning, his eyes bored into mine. "Watch" And he turned and left.
Later as I drove my golfcart I saw 3 ravens strutting across the road. This struck me as more than odd and meaningful. But what is the meaning? I know they are mostly mated at this time of year and would NOT allow a third near. So...3 bachelors? No I think not. I have to wait on this.
Hmmmm yes I suppose so. Very astute and correct my Love!
Being this is the first place you have posted cronologically I suppose I should introduce you to the 4 or 5 people that may actually READ this insanity of mine.
This is DianaStormdancer dear reader. My Twinflame through the ages and a similar soul in between. A roll of the galactic dice put us with other people on this earth this time and that we gladly accept it and would NOT change a thing if given the chance. We have the capacity to expand our love to include this and I pray they do also.
This is a letter to them from me should this bond of ours become known to them.
Ah this...This shall be a worthy web page though no mere words can describe how deeply I love you. You know....we thread thin ground. should either T or D discover this? Well, we should talk it over as I am your #1 boyscout and want to be prepared.
I want the entire World to know how much I Love you Diana! But I want those who love us to know that If they find out about this do not be angry or jealous. This woman is a light unto mine and together our Love for the world...and YOU is increased in it's intensity.
Why weren't you told? Because the Gods and Goddesses work in weird ways and we both chose to let them decide when to let you know. If you are reading this, you know and were pointed here. So I/WE stand here in front of you in truth and say no one stole either one of our love away from either one of you.
I only pray after reading this you lokk at me and consider the following words carefully and we may work together at understanding.
Do not fear me. Do not hate me. I am not the enemy.
I am an old man who sits on a mountain top looking down upon the world around me. Storms, hurricanes and tornadoes have ripped and torn about the mountain, many trees have been uprooted and roads washed out in the floods but I sit peacefully in my protected place knowing only the song of the wind. If you come to the forrest, there you will find me amidst the Oaks and tall Pines. In my garden I work quietly and the songs of birds echo in my ears. Life is all around me and within and as I touch the earth beneath me I feel the "KNOWING" of the way of things. I make no judgements, I only sit and watch in wonder.
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