Saturday, July 24, 2004


New record tempature today. 104 degrees in the shade! I was smoking a cigarette and the cherry on the end said "Damn! It's HOT!".

Sadness enters today. Emrys dog died and I cried although I have never met this animal. At 46 that surprised me because 5 years ago I would have said "bummer", and blew it off. No, I cried tears more for my friends loss because, they Will meet up again. ;)

Growing up I never would have given it a second thought. Even at 30, 40 It wouldn't have affected me thus. And yet, I cried tears beside a trusted friend (whom I've never "seen") over his loss although they have no real face to me. Such is the power of the internet. THAT is a thing to meditate on.

With a telephone you can at least hear a persons voice. The internet forces you to call upon your "feelings" in a totally different way. I feel a stronger person today for being able to do this and recognise it.

That doesn't ease the pain or sadness though.

Thank you my Guide for showing it to me.



At Sunday, July 25, 2004 8:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is good that you cried.You said that a few years ago you would of blown it off,I would not of liked that man as much as the one that cried.Dont get me wrong,I would still of loved ya,this is Shari,but Im glad that you could feel someone elses pain,I dont know him at all and I cried over his loss and because you hurt for him.Since I have gotten older things affect me very deeply it seems,music makes me cry deep in my soul I feel it,and sometimes the longing and need it brings forth in me are almost overwhelming,I cannot watch the news or read a newspaper anymore because all the senseless hurting that we do to each other has me in tears.And if you remember how scared I am of spiders,well I cannot even kill them now, I will move them outside or something,yes me! At times I dont know if its a blessing or a curse, but then I am gratefull to be so sensetive to other peoples pain and to natures pain,and I am glad I can cry easily for their pain,BECAUSE IT MEANS THAT i AM ALIVE.
but also most times I cry because they wont.

At Monday, July 26, 2004 2:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do people always seem so eager to apologize for crying? Why do we feel like we have to explain? The tears do that for us, and we should NEVER be to "anything" to express ourselves truely! Crying IS cathartic the tears wash away the burden and clear the path for what we feel deep inside.

At Thursday, May 05, 2005 7:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without tears the soul cannot be cleansed.
So, in the knowing of the way of things, we cry.


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