Wednesday, July 21, 2004

In the beginning

Time to start recording the weird shit in my life. The friends, family and daily happenings and in the end perhaps someone will gain an iota of Truth in their life. If so? My life will be complete.

4 pm- Why do i even fucking TRY!!? After 6 mths of prep, Then finding my niece after a 20 year absence, I'm told I can't have the time off I want. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't being penalized for being healthy and a weeks worth of my vacation/sick pay going into the little slush fund (read that as someone elses fucking pockets) they call "extended sick leave".

To those who have already made there plans for this  and whos hopes I got up I apologize. I thought that after 8.5 years here and doing this every summer it would be no problem.

That will teach me to think.


At Tuesday, August 03, 2004 8:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twig, you hottie - love the picture of you with the hat *g*


a MW Celtic Christian who shall remain nameless

At Wednesday, August 04, 2004 7:42:00 AM, Blogger Twig Jones-The Druid of Peace said...

Well Thank you! I AM flattered....if not curious beyond words.


At Friday, May 06, 2005 8:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For most of my life since I retired from the service I have been self employed as a landscape gardener and stone mason, trades I somehow picked up from my military career. When I was in service, my closest companion next to my rifle was a shovel and I learned a lot about digging and arranging visual fields for advantage. I guess it was only natural to go into landscaping when I got out.
I never thought about the hours I worked, how many or how often. When I was in a garden, time flew by and I had no feeling of fatigue even after ten hours of hard labor in the hot sun.
When I was working, all I thought about was what the finished garden would look like and the pleasure it would give folks. That thought was my entire life.
Some of the people I worked for thought me quite mad and prehaps they were right but mine was a labor of love and my passion was unabated by time or trial.
From Beltien to Samhain I would labor as does the ant in the forrest and from Samhain to Beltien I would fret and plan for the next growing season knowing nothing of the days that passed come Holy Day or celebration I was apart from the normal joys of a mans living. So enmeshed was I in my love that often I forgot even to eat. Even sleep was my enemy and I cursed the need for rest that my body incessantly alarumed to me.
Time told its tale of me and one day I sat down and couldn't get up.
At that time I cursed the Gods for what I thought to be their betrayal. But where one door closes another opens and soon I found not a new love but a new way of loving


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