Sunday, August 01, 2004

Of Iraq and other things

Friends and Family, Brothers and Sisters. One of the people I call family is going to Iraq. Thereses' daughter Kateris' husband Marcus...our son-in law. In mid Aug. his unit is going for pre-training for 6 months then off to Iraq. what is more worisome is that he is a truck driver with the associated risks.

But I hold a tighter bond to this man than just that. You see, I was the minister that performed their wedding last Nov. when he first heard of the possiblity that this may happen soon. Here are a couple of pics.

This brave man is proud to serve his country and we are proud of him. I can't help but feel even closer as his unit is the same one I belonged to 10 years ago!!! So I am an alumni of the departing unit.

What Therese and I want to do is to have as many people post their letters of encouragement here so we may send them with him.

We have until Aug 15....I, we ( yes my Love they know you worry more than I do.) beg of you to help us give him protection. He is not pagan but a good "kid" 27, and will appreciate any good words he can get. It is also his BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!

Everyone, I don't ask much but I plead to you now, For a note of support to them and any protective energy you can spare.

Marcus and Kateri...(sorry no last name, security) thank you from the bottom of their heart do we

Rev. R. Twig Jones & Therese Thielen


At Monday, August 02, 2004 8:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

THoughts and hearts go out to you and yours, brother.

At Tuesday, August 03, 2004 7:41:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the dry and dusty trail stretched before me,
I thought of what had
been, exsisting now in memory.
The plains of summer grasses, the stream of pure mountain waters,

the colors of the rainbow scattered in a mosaic of
unbelievable complexity.

In the distance a thunderhead is building,
the rumbling of it's internal
construction can almost be heard, more likely imagined.
Once again I turn my
attention to the path,
it seems to lead to the sun, resting now on the
far > horizon.
The clouds and sky, reflect the heart of the sun and all
that it is,
with the purple, pink, shades of blue, orange and crimson. These
blending with the earthened tones of land as it reaches to the light

I relax and know that my path is before me, the purpose is remembering
There is a breeze that comes from behind me,
as if to push me forward and I sense the presence of one I cannot see.

Seeing without sight the winds embrace me, and whisper softly.
"You are never alone,
for I am always
with you".

My steps though tentative, begin again. The earth guides me, the wind
embraces me, the waters nourish me, and the fires warm me. These
things I will remember and know I will never be, as I have never been,
Journey begins anew

may these thoughts guide you on your journey

brave warrior who protects for peace,

rene holds the feather of peace smiling

At Tuesday, August 03, 2004 9:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marcus and Kateri,

I shall add you both to my prayers and send you as much love, warmth and positive energy as I can.

Yes these are worrying times and I respect your bravery to serve and protect your country and others from the evils that are out there. May your God light your way and keep you from harm.

God speed a safe return.

Blessing to you both.

Essil Starlfur (Friend of Twig's)

At Monday, August 30, 2004 11:00:00 PM, Blogger klawson said...

i invoke the geneology of brigit to protect and watch over
your loved one blessings and strength

At Wednesday, May 04, 2005 11:13:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an old soldier who has been there I send my best to you and all of yours. You take up the battle where I left off and I know you will carry our standard on to final victory. Semper Fi.


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