Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Mountain that Roared

Living about 70 miles from Mt St. Helens I'm close enough that I can readily pick up on the vibrations during times of upheaval such as whats happening right NOW! This is a record just for records sake.

My friends. as the earthquakes started i began to get a ringing in my ears up and above the normal tinnitis of urban living. in the last three days the tremors have gone from ~1 per min. at 1.0 on the rictor scale to the point that now it's 3-4 per min. with a mean magnitude of 3.0-3.5.

As the tremors increase so does the pressure and volume in my head. As if a balloon is being inflated. It's starting to be most annoying. Animals are quieter and the crows stick to the trees.

(edit) And an iching on my skin. Like after rolling around in the lawn. (end edit)

The Earth is speaking and it hurts. Take that as you will.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

How much does a Soul weigh

There have been 4 deaths in my life recently and I searched for the meaning...the Lesson that all this has taught me. This morning I got my answer. But I get ahead of myself.

Yesterday after my coworkers had finished trashing out the apt. where a tenant had committed suicide, I went in to smudge the apt. with sage and cleanse it. (Although it would have been nice if they had cleaned up the tub I had a job to do.)

Swallowing a little more than my pride I cleansed each room and finally layed the remaining sage on the side of the tub and bid his Spirit goodbye, releasing him from this plane of existance. I don't know why he chose to do what he did and I am resigned to the thought it isn't FOR me to know.

Then today after checking in at the shop I was walking back to police my area. Looking up I found a hummingbird hovering above me. as I watched he flew and landed in a tree to my right.

"What news do you bring me on this Mabon little hummingbird?" I thought.

At that the little thing darted across the road and floated.....hovering above the deck of the apt. that the man had lived in. Pendulum like it flew right...then...left 3 times then up, over the building and into the fog above as if to say Thank You I amfree now.

Today I found out a Soul weighs exactly as much as a hummingbird.


Saturday, September 18, 2004

"...and it's 2, 3, 4 what are dying for?"

A Rant

DAMN! I could use a little break here!! I GET the POINT!

First - My mates mother passes away. Half of her family has never experianced a personal death or funeral.

2 days later at 6:36 pm - A 30 something male tenant "eats a bullit" in his bathtub. And such a PRETTY mess it was too! Oh, I know the exact time because I live about 180 ft away from him and I heard the shot!

Next day - An old friend on another sites 2 1/2 yr old daughter gets hit and killed by a car. Gods my heart goes out to them.

2 days after THAT! A tenant I've known for 6 yrs that has advanced MS is found by the manager.... is found 12 days after the fact! I imagine he either fell off his bed and asphixiated or died of thirst. Where the hell was a caretaker!??

My friends, I would ask for a little protective energy because I am emotionally and spiritually drained to the core from this. I go on a 9 day vacation this Thurs....

Oh my Gods! I originally put in for vacation last month and was told no. I couldn't take it because.....hooo boy is my hair standing on my arms right now.

OK TIME OUT! I just don't get this! Damn! Thank you Andrasta for give me vacation as a buffer but why this? Why now? Why ME?

As I said my Brothers and Sisters, any little thought will help. I know death and do not fear it. i am just drained, and confused.


ps - heheh looking up at my words...I guess I DON"T get the point!

As posted to Project-X, The Chosen Ones I want to thank everyone there for all they've done for me spiritually through the years.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Oh Crow

I learned of this poem today shortly after I helped lower this ladys casket into the ground.

It was given to me just after I dropped a double handful of earth on the gleaming pine coffin that housed my mates mother and the clay on my hands was still wet.

Crippled by diabeties for years she knew she was dying. This is a celebration of her passing.

The Crow and Raven are my totem and my guide as apparently they were hers. That I should find this out at that time boggles my mind.

We will miss you Sherry. Thank you for your wisdom.

Oh Crow, Oh Crow!
We have lost a cherished friend of yours!

Oh Crow, Oh Crow!
Watch over this humble soul!

Oh Crow, Oh Crow!
Take her on her path to her father!

Oh Crow, Oh Crow!
This friend of yours who wrote of you many times
is passing the pen on to....?

Oh Crow, Oh Crow!
Take our mother,
gently into her long awaited
resting place!

Oh Crow, Oh Crow!
How I will miss my mother!
As all of the family does!

Oh Crow, Oh Crow!
Mom would say do not weep!

For I now know!
What you wonder!

Oh Crow, I Love you!

Sherry Leola Eddings
Proud Elder of the Siletz Indian Nation
born: 11/15/1938
died: 9/13/2004