Monday, July 26, 2004

Crow Dude Posted by Hello

liquid love Posted by Hello

Twig at rest Posted by Hello

Sunday, July 25, 2004

of Church, Trees and Omens

Sunday is my Monday and I clean half the property. While on my rounds I check a 1 acre patch of woods where my "chapel" is located. Twisty Paths intertwine throughout the douglas firs, 20 or so in number, cedars, oregon grape, poison ivy, and assorted bushes. Off the main trail in one corner is a semi-clearing some 10 ft around. centered there is a twin pair of douglas firs. No more than 4 ft apart and so close in height there is no doubt they came from the same cone.

Entering  the circle I give my blessings as I approach then circle the twins counterclockwise. Brushing my hands on them as I call to them. Then standing between them I place my hands on each as I submit myself to Andrasta and The One. As they know me,  the Firs accept my presence and they amplify my prayers. Power surges through me and recharges me for the future and the tests to come.

Today I asked for guidance as I entered the "glade" and in the middle of everything heard a noise off to the left, where there is no Path. Looking up there sat a gray squirrel in a small hazelnut tree. Searching throughout the sapling he finally found the hazels seed. Peeling and then crunching into the green nut he sat watched me unflinchingly.

There sat my Spirit Guide, actually showing himself to me! As he ate he appraised me, never taking his eyes off mine. Finishing he sat there....turned and start to leave....then hesitated.
Turning, his eyes bored into mine. "Watch"  And he turned and left.

Later as I drove my golfcart I saw 3 ravens strutting across the road. This struck me as more than odd and meaningful. But what is the meaning? I know they are mostly mated at this time of year and would NOT allow a third near. So...3 bachelors? No I think not. I have to wait on this.>

Saturday, July 24, 2004


New record tempature today. 104 degrees in the shade! I was smoking a cigarette and the cherry on the end said "Damn! It's HOT!".

Sadness enters today. Emrys dog died and I cried although I have never met this animal. At 46 that surprised me because 5 years ago I would have said "bummer", and blew it off. No, I cried tears more for my friends loss because, they Will meet up again. ;)

Growing up I never would have given it a second thought. Even at 30, 40 It wouldn't have affected me thus. And yet, I cried tears beside a trusted friend (whom I've never "seen") over his loss although they have no real face to me. Such is the power of the internet. THAT is a thing to meditate on.

With a telephone you can at least hear a persons voice. The internet forces you to call upon your "feelings" in a totally different way. I feel a stronger person today for being able to do this and recognise it.

That doesn't ease the pain or sadness though.

Thank you my Guide for showing it to me.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004

In the beginning

Time to start recording the weird shit in my life. The friends, family and daily happenings and in the end perhaps someone will gain an iota of Truth in their life. If so? My life will be complete.

4 pm- Why do i even fucking TRY!!? After 6 mths of prep, Then finding my niece after a 20 year absence, I'm told I can't have the time off I want. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't being penalized for being healthy and a weeks worth of my vacation/sick pay going into the little slush fund (read that as someone elses fucking pockets) they call "extended sick leave".

To those who have already made there plans for this  and whos hopes I got up I apologize. I thought that after 8.5 years here and doing this every summer it would be no problem.

That will teach me to think.