Sunday, August 21, 2005

On being human

And therefore fallable. There are more than 4 ages....big deal!

The author of the Fourth Age of Druidry withdrew the papers because of the basic flaws that there are more discernable ages than the 4 described. Its ok my Brother, we are all human and therefore prone to leap without really looking first. Gods know I am the first in that line eh!

In retrospect it is a shame that it was like a salmon swimming upstream the entire time because all we want to do what so many others are trying to do. Bring everyone together to show thateveryone in the druid camp CAN work together toward a common goal!

What goal?

Being able TO work together first thing. And damnit the few people we had together was about THE most diverse group you could bring together under one roof.

Hehe, and we were doing it. We were making it...we were working side by side. The druidic equvilent of repubs and demos were making bipartison headway in a teaching enviornment.

But there are flaws in the foundation and therefore the whole premise is flawed. THAT is the reason we scrapped it. And not without heavy cost. Oh well I stand firm on what I belive in, and for anyone so deeply rooted and rigid as to be unable to bend with the winds of, I'm sorry.

For you miss the freshest morning breeze as it welcomes a new day. You miss the cooling wind at dusk that heralds the coming of the Moon

And I will miss your knowledge.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

In need of super glue

Looking down at my feet I see the shattered remains

of friendships and what should have been.

And a teardrop escapes my eye.

Then once again I sigh as I bend over to pick them up.

Such is the task the Gods give me.

What kind of a sick inidividual could rally against peace?

As the full weight of it crashes against mind.

splintering an already fragile easiness.

Looking up I see only grayness on the Path ahead ahead and wonder.

Dear Gods what would you have me do now?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Twigs Axe
My birthday present!!!!! A Fender Squire (Stratocaster copy) and a small pony amp. Hehehe, 1 different turn and I could have been the burnt out rock singer/musician.

And yes I DO know how to play! And sing too. 7 years of choir. ;) Never know, I may come tour through YOUR city!

Rock and Roll Twig.Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I was born deep underground........

With a large rumble I and millions of my brethern slid down in an avalanche to the fast moving waters of what you call the Columbia river.

There I met the Salmon of Life. I asked of him "What is to become of me?" With a laugh he replied "LEARNING!" and flicked me with his tail which sent me tumbling as he made a nest for his young that were to be.

Down the swift currents of the mighty river I rolled. Scraping and bumping my way I lost the sharp edges that defined me and began to be rubbed smooth.

Eventually I made my way to the sea. Looking around I worried for I saw the sand. The shattered remains of those who went before me and my most likely end in this violent water.

After a great time I was approached once again by the mighty Salmon. I implored of him what was to be of me now? "MORE LEARNING!" And by the might of his tail I was thrown in to the waves of the shore. The mighty waves played with me. Throwing me back and forth until I lost the remaining rough edges of my soul.

Finally with a mighty push I was placed upon the shore where I gleamed with a shiny new exterior. I was picked up by a human and as I was turned over and over and the oils of his hands polished me to a new sheen and I warmed to him. Placing me in his pocket, he muttered "Well, what will I do with this?". To which I replied....

"More learning Mighty Druid, more learning!"
