Monday, February 21, 2005

"What is Mind?

Doesn't matter.

What is matter?

Never mind."

(Homer - no not the book, the Simpsons)

My Gods I abandoned this. But life gets in the way. Along with the pressures of an ever increasing presense on the web. This word must get out! To give you dear reader an idea of my "papers", every good teachers got to have papers! ;) lets list whence I came and with whom I belong because frankly I'm getting kinda lost too.

  1. Founding member-Elder, Living Druidry, Yahoo Groups
  2. Elder member-Founding Druid Forum moderator,
  3. Asst. Admin/Moderator,
  4. Elder member,
  5. Co-author&Co-creator of "The Fourth Age of Druidry" Concept (Copyrighted Tully Reill )
  6. Owner/admin of the Fourth Age of Druidry tribe at
  7. Moderator/Portland Metro regional contact for Druids Coalitions Internationals sattelite group Pacific NW Druids Coalition - Yahoo Groups
  8. resident druid "elder" at more sites than one hand holds.
  9. Ordained Minister, counselor and teacher of the Druid Path {ULC}(registered with Witchvox.
  10. (edit 4/29/05) and now I become The First Minister of the Fourth Age of Druidry, Clan Alyallyn

So I try to become a small member in a new group and hear.....
Wow! Quite frankly, I'm suprised we were able to get such a knowledgeable person here! [Twig really has a LOT of knowledge on many issues...don't let the man fool you

Tully my Brother, I'm trying. Gods know I am and I know how very much you belive in this. But I am tired too. As I know you are.

Cut bait and run....heheh. No, how about to go to a bigger pond instead?

Peace Ya'll. Sorry about the lapse


At Monday, February 21, 2005 5:01:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's quite a pedigree you have there!

Glad to see you're still about... I was getting worried about you!

~ Berkana

At Wednesday, May 04, 2005 10:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well' I'm indeed suprised that I can post on this site without having to go through the nonsense of electronic bureaucracy that usually accompanys a web site. That's a great relief. I have a lot to tell all of you.
Master Twig, The last time we communicated was at Mysticwicks. Prehaps you will remember that I was banned by Phoenixblue for expressing my true fellings about the Christian concept of "Original Sin". I have not changed my mind on that score. I still think it'as a hideous notion, completely contrary the the true will of the Gods.
Since that time I have kept to myself eschewing any involvement in internet forums on any matter. I have found that it's far simpler to be a solitary. I can think my thoughts and drean my dreams without anyone to interfere.
I have spent my time working in my gardens and writing for my own enjoyment and I find I don't really need others to justify my own existence. I have my gardens, my cats and my music and books and I am quite content to let the days drift by like the waves rolling on the open sea.
When I got your E-Mail the other day, I was indeed suprised. I had not given much thought to things Pagan outside of my own small world for quite some time. I had grown rather weary of the egos and mind trips that I usually found in the Pagan community at large. The confusion over what it actually means to be a Pagan is another matter that seems to be rather fuddled in the minds of many. Who is and Who isn't, that is the question. What kinds of ideas can we accept as a community and which kinds of ideas must we reject in their entirety? It seems that many think it alright to mix and mingle theologys and spiritual paths without any consideration for the kinds of societys those ideas brought into manifestation. That I believe to be a grave mistake.

At Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:56:00 PM, Blogger Twig Jones-The Druid of Peace said...

Aye, but heres the rub.

It is routinely accepted that the druids were a "secret society" replete with an oral tradition and sacrifices and "secret handshakes". (JK) And yet today we are in an age of instant communication with an unlimited audiance.

How can any druid "worth their salt" write or even trust anything written at ALL? It's against the very tenants of the ancients is it not? But the masses want to know!!! And the Earth is not giving up her secrets willingly.

That was the reasoning for the Fourth Age concept. There is such a vast span of worshiping ways (Recon - Neo) that a common ground had to be reached before the split became a chasm.

Here is a way that anyone can worship the Gods of our Ancestors without the guilt associated with wondering if what they are doing is right. The framework is there to be rigid in its intent yet flexible enough that noone feels intimidated by the Rigidity of a structured religiion.. And technology is embraced because it is here and has changed the future.

I just pray it is sound.

Thank you for all your comments. the insight is astounding and fresh.



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