Friday, June 09, 2006

New Job = New Outlook

Especially when it's with the most prestigious firm in the city!

Thereses' son works for a maintenance firm as a janitor.

He told me "Twig, you gotta check `em out". So i did.

Come to find out they take care of the most expensive condos in Portland. So I went in and applied and I'll be damned! They hired me!

So why am I so stoked? well, some of the perks are a company truck, expense and gas account, visa, phone, full benefits and 401-K, the list goes on!

But the paper work though is a Bitch! I'm essentially a sub-contractor working for the company. All time and expenses are are in triplicate and parking is compensated so that has to be logged along with a truck charge, separate purchase orders for parts, yada yada, a pain in the butt. However that's the price youu pay when you work with the big dogs, aye?

But then, check out the properties. $2.5 Million dollars is not out of the ballpark for some of them.

So! On to my drivers test to cinch this puppy.


Friday, June 02, 2006

Walk w/ Me

Walk with me hand in hand, barefoot through the meadow,
as fairies dance on cherry blossoms
floating in the wind.

The rivers ripple plays the melody of Peace,
as it runs soft and slow over the rocks, winding its way
ever forward.

I feel the suns kiss upon my face and breathe the warmth of lilacs
on the breeze. Walk with me and ask the child in your heart
to come out and play.

Sit at the waters edge, while we skip stones from bank to bank,
minnows nip at our toes as the whistling lyrics of songbirds
fill our ears.

I want to sit here in Mothers lap,
just cuddle up[ in her quiet warmth,
and bask in the light of her Love.

(c)Storm '06

And a mighty Lion sits sits and purrs.
All is right in the world once again.