Monday, May 15, 2006

Damned Hippies!!!!!!

A person said this...

Wanting something and actually working to make it reality are two different
things. Hippies = waste of time, just like mostly every person in this

Wow, looking back I was harsh. My apologies. Buuuut
we WERE the generation to cause the biggest changes in history....and only
anyone who lived through the cold war can tell you how close we actully came to
destroying mankind.

According to Bobby Kennedy...about 40 minutes.

But we didn't let you down.

Ok lets see

What DID these
unwashed, miskept, communal refugees from a unattainable utopia give us then if
we think about it?

- I won't EVEN go into the music aspect! THAT speaks
for itself!- The Free Medical clinics and the very fact you can have a legal
abortion is their doing.
- I'd hand them the applause for 25% of the entire
civil rights movement. Not just blacks, that includes women and EVERY minority
in this nation.

Lets see, what else was born out of the hippie
movement??Oh hell how about the very fact that you can openly promote paganism
and not have a lynch mob drag you out of your house and hang or shoot you? Orr
ending the vietnam war and bringing down one of the crookedest presidents yet??
And lets not forget the police and your Miranda Rights!!!!

This is all
off the top of my head BTW so if Im wrong at some point somebody correct me!?
And lastly, if you are between the ages of about 25-34/5 YOU may very well be
the product of two hippies!!!!

I have been on both sides of that fence.
I have been the soldier that held the M-16 and been called a baby killer. Then 1
years later upon arriving home found my best friend died while in the same
service to his nation. I became the name at the peace rallies. The one screaming
for justice and equality against an uncaring government. And by the Gods we were
HEARD!!!Heh, I have been called every name in the book, my very life has been
threatened and more than a double handful of my breathern have died for no other
reason than a label and long hair. Hippies didn't do anything?? Good Gods we
changed the world and made it a safer place to live in.

But I want to
apologise to. The world is in a hell of a mess and it's us at the helm. (shaking
my head) So kids, we took away atomic death but we left you with a "My God is
Bigger than Your God World". I don't know which bomb is more potent. ( a big
reason I went pagan)

My advise - We hippies are less than a generation
on this world and our power is already beginning to wane. Take the gains in
human rights/medicine and knowledge we made and run with them. Theres good stuff
there! ....and if you start now you might be able to fix the problems caused
once all those hippies grew up, got SUVs and became what they hated and
protested the most. "The Establishment and The Man."

Damned "ME Decade"

So in the end friends you see that this is not really a rant.
It is an apology and a message of hope.

Good luck.

Peace to you

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The 1,000,000 Marijuana March

OK, what you are to see is possibly the most important single thing to happen in my strange and whirlwind life so far so please, bear with me because at 48 I should be thinking about where I want to spend my retirement, not reinventing myself.

But as I'm fond of saying, "I AM the Gods chew toy"!

Ok, I've never hid the fact that I smoke marijuana. I recently received my Oregon Medical Marijuana Project (OMMP) card and got involved with Oregon GreenFree, a patient/caregiver community.

To be blunt I was high one night and pissed off at Rep. Souder then the FDA (4:20 on 4/20. Did Bush think that lame coincidence up? Losers!) over their bullshit conclusions in regard to ganga so, I sat and wrote them a "letter of rebuttal" shall we say.

I sent it to the DPFOR website, a MMJ legal type site I belong to and it...exploded! Suddenly I am be a Guest speaker and well, you'll see.

Right then!

If you are involved with the PDX or are another "media" type person, (cough, henrybrooks, cough! heheh) There's a tearjerker of a story to be had and dammit it's time for me to step up. For my mothers, and others sake if nothing else. Consider this my first press package. Twigs going national.

If you live in PDX, it's this Sat. and I am slated to speak between 11 and 12 noon at Pioneer Courthouse Square. BE THERE PLEASE! I'll take all the support I can get.

Everyone else? Watch your news Sat. night! I love you All. Perhaps Marijuana Activist is my true calling!? I mean we are only talking about a 6 month span here since I went legal and this you will see has happened in ~2 WEEKS!

Wish me luck. Expecting 1000-5000 people there. Lets hope I don't get up there and puke from nerves or something! Hehehe. Wow, 200 cities worldwide this year! With 5000 at each city it will TRULY be a MILLION MARIJUANA MARCH!!

BTW, I Love you All! Thank you for being in my life, however briefly. You are a part of what made me what I am today.

Rev. R. Twig Jones - "The Druid of Peace"
12312 NW Barnes Rd.
Portland OR. 97229
(phone #s upon request)

PS- For WW. I was interviewed once before by you when no one else would, TY.


(From MWAD)

Lets make this a running Blog until I put it in the real one.

May 1 - I found out that Jim wanted me to contact the Portland organiser of the Million Marijuana March ASAP! Reason? He wants me to make an effort to get in the Portland March. Ok sure its my main cause. So I shot an email to Mrs. M. along with the letter.

May 2 - Got a phone call from the Portland coordinator. She said "BE THERE." Then comes the email. Wow, Whew...they want to close the Eugene speeches with it. Now it's essentially going to be the Battle Cry before the March! Oh shit, now the butterflies come with the realization that this is probably going to go statewide or....even...national when I read "get a press kit together"

Get a PRESS KIT together!!? What the hell am I gonna put in THAT!? Ok boys and girls if I go national so do YOU! Cause MW IS my home after all.

Excuse me. Got a phone call from Zantac.


Fwd: ASA Organizers List - Handouts fro GMM plus NORML Stuff Too Inbox

Jim Greig to Allan, Cannabis, Ed, Cat, me, Terry ...
More options 5:27 pm (3 hours ago)

Got the membership person to rush ship us new member & transfer info here for GMM distribution (still haven't heard/read from Allan on new Willamette Valley NORML Chapter yet) and I'll print some of these & mailing list-info request forms up as well.
Dan got John Walsh to 'volunteer' to 'guard the booth' on Free Speech Plaza (thanks Dank) during the presentation, it will have most of the stuff, but think we should have a small table at Fed. Bldg as well for NORML (wish I could push one button for that word) info, we'll 'wing' any others or direct them to FSP.
Anything else needed for giveaway info that day?
Now have music de jour (news to some readers) .America the Beautiful on Sax-Taps on bugle for moment of silence for victims of Drug War. Also picked Brother Bob's judge/law professor's friend's open letter to read near start, with Rev. Twig's "What if it Was Your Mother" post about the last time he saw his mother to close, OK everybody??
Any other suggestions, now's your chance or forever hold your tongues.
PS: Didn't forget Leland, keeping his traffic down under 55 mph.

Note: forwarded message attached.

First the question to me...go back 3 days

Where 'bouts you live? I'm organizing the Global Marijuana March here in Eugene, and would like to invite to read that next Saturday here in town.We'll be starting at 2 PM and have Elvy Musikka, Lee Berger (THE #1 criminal defense lawyer for MMJ in OR.) Allan Erisckon, Dan Koozer, Terry Nail, Trista Okel, myself and a couple of others speaking that day, but your letter moved me too.
My mom died thinking MJ was an evil drug, and died of cancer suffering. So did my dad, ten days later.
If you can come yourself, please do. If not, do I have your permission to read it and give you credit?
Thanks much, I think I'll go wipe my eyes now.
Jim G.

Now The Story that started all this

What if it was YOUR Mother?

This is not breaking news. In fact it happened almost 30 years ago. But I write this in hopes that *one, just one* person will see it and change their mind about medical marijuana. If that happens this letter will be worth it.

Back in 1978 my mother came to visit me and my family from Colorado. She had to live there due to the weather. You see, she had a lung removed due to cancer and she had to stay close to Fitzsimmons army hospital where she had the surgery.

She stayed a week. And no longer was there the robust woman that had taught
and loved me those 33 years, the compact stick of TNT that I so admired (and feared hehehe) because her new constant companion was a small bottle of oxygen.

The last day before she left we all sat in my sisters kitchen talking and
suddenly she turned to me and said "Bobby I know you smoke marijuana and I have been reading a lot about it. This chemotherapy is killing me quicker than the cancer I think. The nausea gets me dehydrated and because of the side effects the doctors say I'm getting malnourished. Do you think marijuana would help?" ( she confessed to only smoking it once back in the

Well, after wiping the tears from my eyes (like now) I said "yeah mom, I think so. Hold on." And going to my room I rolled three joints of the Thai stick I had gotten and went back out and shared one joint with her and my sister. The other 2 went back with her to Denver.

Sitting there afterward she got a smile on her face I had not seen in a very very long time and said "Thank you. I think this will help...a lot. I just wish the God-damned doctors would have as much compassion."

That Dear Friend is the last time I saw my mother and her last remembered words...thanking me...a so called pothead... for making her pain lessen and her nausea stop.

So as I sit here with tears in my eyes I ask the doctors, the lawyers, the detractors, and anti-marijuana zealots......What if it was YOUR mother dying of cancer? Would you deny them?

Rev. R. Twig Jones


(c) r.d.jones 2006
No portion of this blah blah, yak yak, you know. Ask me or frogs will grow in weird cavities in your body and I'll call out Guido will whip your butt!!!