Monday, May 15, 2006

Damned Hippies!!!!!!

A person said this...

Wanting something and actually working to make it reality are two different
things. Hippies = waste of time, just like mostly every person in this

Wow, looking back I was harsh. My apologies. Buuuut
we WERE the generation to cause the biggest changes in history....and only
anyone who lived through the cold war can tell you how close we actully came to
destroying mankind.

According to Bobby Kennedy...about 40 minutes.

But we didn't let you down.

Ok lets see

What DID these
unwashed, miskept, communal refugees from a unattainable utopia give us then if
we think about it?

- I won't EVEN go into the music aspect! THAT speaks
for itself!- The Free Medical clinics and the very fact you can have a legal
abortion is their doing.
- I'd hand them the applause for 25% of the entire
civil rights movement. Not just blacks, that includes women and EVERY minority
in this nation.

Lets see, what else was born out of the hippie
movement??Oh hell how about the very fact that you can openly promote paganism
and not have a lynch mob drag you out of your house and hang or shoot you? Orr
ending the vietnam war and bringing down one of the crookedest presidents yet??
And lets not forget the police and your Miranda Rights!!!!

This is all
off the top of my head BTW so if Im wrong at some point somebody correct me!?
And lastly, if you are between the ages of about 25-34/5 YOU may very well be
the product of two hippies!!!!

I have been on both sides of that fence.
I have been the soldier that held the M-16 and been called a baby killer. Then 1
years later upon arriving home found my best friend died while in the same
service to his nation. I became the name at the peace rallies. The one screaming
for justice and equality against an uncaring government. And by the Gods we were
HEARD!!!Heh, I have been called every name in the book, my very life has been
threatened and more than a double handful of my breathern have died for no other
reason than a label and long hair. Hippies didn't do anything?? Good Gods we
changed the world and made it a safer place to live in.

But I want to
apologise to. The world is in a hell of a mess and it's us at the helm. (shaking
my head) So kids, we took away atomic death but we left you with a "My God is
Bigger than Your God World". I don't know which bomb is more potent. ( a big
reason I went pagan)

My advise - We hippies are less than a generation
on this world and our power is already beginning to wane. Take the gains in
human rights/medicine and knowledge we made and run with them. Theres good stuff
there! ....and if you start now you might be able to fix the problems caused
once all those hippies grew up, got SUVs and became what they hated and
protested the most. "The Establishment and The Man."

Damned "ME Decade"

So in the end friends you see that this is not really a rant.
It is an apology and a message of hope.

Good luck.

Peace to you


At Thursday, June 01, 2006 7:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lmao..."He's an old Hippy and he don't know what to do..should he hang on to the old or grab onto the new"...Hi Love long time ...miss you!

At Thursday, June 01, 2006 7:41:00 PM, Blogger Twig Jones-The Druid of Peace said...



At Sunday, October 22, 2006 4:14:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seams a lot of what you speek of here had deeper impact in the US than world wide :( Tis a shame there was so little effect here in the UK it was just the music mostly and people raging against the war. All else came long before.

Our religious freedom was won by Henry the 8th. We've had free national health since David Lloyd Jones. Freedom of speech and civil liberties are our bread and butter. Or maybe that should be were,,,,,

Little by little this religious war is seeping in and stricking fear across a global community. If you're not with us you're against us. We teach the up and coming generations to hate and fear what they don't know rather than to embrace and learn where we go from here.

Love to you Twig
Love and Light

At Sunday, October 22, 2006 3:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Smiling warmly)

But the echos from that dim memory still ring the Earth, back and forth,like the reflections of the ripple come back from the shore. And is still fashioning the Circle of Life we are traversing.

(If that sounds like pompous retoric...Reread it.)

In the 60s and a word was whispered again. Witch. But the drive was quite different than the village elder 500 years ago. Earth was dying. Who saw the sons and daughters of the enemy would be chosen to spread the word and take action.

I think a "Time-lock" was opened at the Bay of Pigs and Power was awakened from subconscience(?)memory and those/we young experimenters and seekers unknowingly or not, called up the Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Spirit
that was waiting for just that moment.

And we "children" don't even have a clue at the true power we align to yet.

Groovy Man.


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