Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Message to the Gods

WHY!!? What do you WANT from me!!?

I mean come on. You can't see what this does to me? Haven't I paid enough dues in my fucking life? Damnit I know she is there but my closest spiritual companion is a goddamned ghost for all purposes. You took my best friend away and now my one chance at acceptance and camraderie by those I call peers fucked up because of a letter they weren't even supposed to get!!?

Good thing I'm a strong person because this is about the point where lesser people say fuck it and eat a lethal dose.

Fat lot of god damned good I do you NOW HUH!? Jesus christ what do you want of me? Just how much more do you think I can take?

Huh. That makes twice now. DAMNIT! Now I have to go and change back aaaaaall the shit that reflects that affiliation.

. Yeah, wow, does that ever take on a new and singularly lonely ring to it. Oh well buck up old man. It's the story of your life.


At Saturday, March 25, 2006 2:37:00 PM, Blogger Raevyn said...

You're still my friend Twig. *hugs* Goddess bless you.


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