Thursday, January 05, 2006

Goodnight Irene

So I sit here thinking "What use is me posting any more? Scattered to the four winds is everyone I know and no longer is there camraderie. The people I belived in most have turned away so whats the use?"

And the answer I get is "There is none."

Diana I could sure use you now my love. But not even you are returning my queries.

Fuck it. Fuck it all I give up. The internet holds no interest to me anymore other than a massive mailbox. So this may be the last I post here, or anywhere. There will be more than one person glad to see that I'm sure.

So if you see this, Good luck in your life people. It was fun...right up until the ax fell and everything I was standing for was jerked out from underneath me. You don't have to read that far back to see where.

So my advise? Stay the hell out of religion if you value your...self.


At Friday, January 06, 2006 1:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Twiggy,

I know what you mean. The internet is a very conceited, uncaring, egocentric place -- even more so than the real world, since most of the users are antisocialites (uncaring of others). But really, I believe that we have to stay strong, stay open, and stay loving. We must learn to endure the stupidity of others clamly. We must learn to keep our minds, hearts and arms open to all -- even those who drive us the farthest up the wall.

On a side note, a person whom I once considered my closest friend of three years once said that the internet does not allow for people to develop long-lasting relationships of any kind. Might it be said that there is a certain transfer of energy which is required to establish initmate friendship which is easily effectuated over long distances. Regardless of that, I was handfasted in October to an amazing non-Pagan lad that I met in May over the internet. We're 7... 8 months running now.

I call for Peace & Love, the things that you spread virally, to surround you, and to be one with you, my dear, dear, reverend Brother Twig.

la Chèvredansante.

At Friday, January 06, 2006 7:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you must have some sense of balance to have been standing on something so flimsy as the FAOD paper...

I thought Leos were cats and could land on their feet, rather than falling. It was all a test, and I don't see that you're passing it.

The FAOD stuff was as solid as a mist on water...try and stand on it and not only will you fall through it, but you'll drown as well, that is why its gone. The mist disappeared as the Light hit it.

At Saturday, January 07, 2006 2:27:00 AM, Blogger Twig Jones-The Druid of Peace said...

"Wow, you must have some sense of balance to have been standing on something so flimsy as the FAOD paper..."

Yes I've always lived on the edge. Take up less space.

"I thought Leos were cats and could land on their feet, rather than falling. It was all a test, and I don't see that you're passing it."

(shaking my head) But where does one test stop and the next begin? My Gods test me continually. Day after day and at times I think I will really snap. I never do though and I learn. And what I learn I pass on as I can. Other people have said what I teach via this way is truth. And THEY learn in turn. Given that why should the tests of any man concern me?

"The FAOD stuff was as solid as a mist on water...try and stand on it and not only will you fall through it, but you'll drown as well, that is why its gone. The mist disappeared as the Light hit it."

But the mist is the Breath of the Dragon. Its purpose is to conceal the coming of greater things and magic. And one can only drown when there is no solid ground beneath I have found.

So what does this mist conceal?


At Sunday, January 08, 2006 1:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still trying to get sympathy from others is your way of life,you always cry your leaving then 'super druid' reappears a few days later,all this to cover up what you must not know.Druids are more stable than this,and you arent by any means,and you still think you can 'lead others' or 'guide others'?Truth be told,all are tired of the 'wolf cryings',so leave or be done with it,or confess your shortcomings.

At Sunday, January 08, 2006 2:37:00 PM, Blogger Twig Jones-The Druid of Peace said...

Wow this could be so many people! Hmm, if you are one of those I call friend don't take me wrong, you know my troubles with others.

I sat and thought long and hard about that message. First if I even wanted to let it be shown, considering this is tantamount to standing on my front lawn with a megaphone screaming for all my neighbors to hear.(I have moderated status on due to a spammer)but I've always believed in being up front and open in everything I do on the web... something I can't credit your anonymous self with.

Secondly, and more importantly is how do I respond to such a rude intrusion on what I consider to be my home?? I'm sure you're well intentioned but I think I'll quote a line in a movie that makes up part of one of my monikers and howabout if I hold this finger up and say "fuck" and "you"!!?"

I have news for you "he/she who would tell me what a druid is"! I spent the last 7 days raising energy and coaxing a friend who almost died back to health with all I could muster and also helped in finding the gravesite of a brother Druid who died over 100 years ago. Thereby resurrecting his memory and so HIM after so long. Such is said we are to do by the Bards of old. He will now be enshrined in the Portland Police Museum being he died in the line of duty on his last day... his "druidry" will be promenently displayed for all to see, hopefully forever.

So how did you spend your week???

Bah! And you wonder why I get disgusted and throw my hands up at the lot of ya?

I leave you with these words to meditate on.

More is the Shame brought on our Faith by those that will not accept another due to their differences.

Copyright by ME!

At Monday, January 09, 2006 4:10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are two different "anon" posters here. Mine was the first comment.

Not once in my comment were there words stating what a Druid is or is not.

Your comments are the ones that pulled others into this. Your home? This is the Internet and quite open to public view. When you go blaming others for your woes, are they not to respond?

With your blog now in "moderated mode" I highly doubt that you will allow this comment to be posted, or you will edit it to suit your needs.

At Monday, January 09, 2006 8:50:00 AM, Blogger Twig Jones-The Druid of Peace said...

"With your blog now in "moderated mode" I highly doubt that you will allow this comment to be posted, or you will edit it to suit your needs."

Am I getting on your nerves?? Do I make you grit your teeth and call me every kind of asshole S>O>B> you can think of before you kick your dog across the room???

Gooooood! Then I'm stirring you from the malaise and rutting boredom that is your life and I am causing you to have a passion for something...anything that will give your life a purpose. Even if it's the dislike for me.

So go ahead and get it out. It's good for you. Even though I'm not going away you can say you gave it a shot.

Then you can grow the fuck up and just ignore me or accept me for who I am, not what I am. (hmmm somehow that grammer looks wrong. Oh well.)

"Sometimes a little revolution is a good thing" (c) some dead guy

At Friday, January 20, 2006 7:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twig, you are always in my thoughts. I think of you often, and I miss our chats. *hugs* Goddess bless you, my very dear friend.


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