originally published April 5, 2003
By Rev. R.Twig Jones
I do a lot of work with crystals in my Path and thought to write about them some. But, I can't seem to find a place this thread would "fit" so, more than one forum gets this.
For those familiar with crystals, gems, stones and their manipulations and uses in medical and spiritual use, I give to you something I have found that will dramatically aid in the charging, tuning healing and clearing of most All stones. I have had quartz points charge to a frequency so tight and strong that when I went to retrieve it the next day I nearly got sick from the ringing in my head and the slam my stomach chackra took when I touched it.
First, a trick in determining the "charge" or "flavor" of a crystal.
-Take and hold it at arms length, point up, with a well lit white background a few feet behind it. A wall works great.
-Clear your mind and focus your vision past the point to somewhere "in between" the crystal and the wall itself. With very little practice you should see a "flow" from the tip(s) in/outward that is reminescent of heat shimmering off a hot road...for me at least. A correctly and fully charged crystal is unmistakable in the clarity and speed of the energy stream it eminates. Regardless of the color of the quartz used.
Not everyone I asked can do this but about 55-60% of people have discerned it within 3 trys.
----------The Crystal Pool. A mineral hospital and rejuvinator-----
Some years back I got some silica sand from a job being done because I thought my stones might look good resting in it, in my alter. Into a 10"round glass bowl I placed the sand and after clensing and charging my crystals I stuck them in the sand, point up, and put the affair in my alter thinking "don't that look pretty."
THe next afternoon I took the "sand pool" as I dubbed it out and I'll be damned if all the stones weren't completely cleared and dead! Rather than take them all out I put the bowl and crystals in the sun to charge. 30 mins later I went out and discovered that they were so charged it felt electrified!! Passing my hand over the bowl I could feel the individual shaft of power from each tip like a magnifying glass trained across my palm. And the whole eminated a force that made me suck in my breath and reground myself before I could hold it. Not heat but ENERGY!
THrough experimentation I had come to therorize that the silica sand acted like a pool or resevoir for the rocks to feed upon Much like the Earth nurtures the trees. In sunlight it magnifies and feeds them and darkness drains and quiets them to a quescient point.
Recently we bought pure quartz sand to refill the filters in the pools. Out of curiosity I replaced the common silica in the bowl with the quartz and my suspicions were proven to my total satisfaction as I am now sitting here looking at a 8" crystal that I found broken in two after sitting in the sun of my room for 2 days.
I WARN you though!! This may work TOO good for those highly sensitive to crystals. Ringing ears and upset stomach are common side effects.
I welcome any comments on this from those in the know. I can't find any record of this being done before so if you try this, let me kknow the outcome. Thanx!