Saturday, July 09, 2005

A Blessing recieved.

I recieved this in response to the preceeding entry, from a Brother who with these words touched me deeper than any others have in a long while.

Essil Starlfur, Brother and Friend! May your name never be forgotten until the pillers of the sacred menhirs become dust. As long as I live it shan't be. Ever again, as long as I draw breath. For I know that ever I think of these words again the Gods themselves are at my sides, back and before me. And None shall stand in the way of Truth!"

And the progression of Truth is even given lest I forget my station in life.

Thank You.


Aye you have one hell of a way with words my friend.

And while you may know not which way to sail I say this simply:

May Falias stand before you with the Lia Fail,
May Gorias stand to your right and shine forth the Sword of Lugh,
May Finias stand behind you with the magic Spear of Cuchulainn,
And may Murius stand to your left and feed a host of men from the Cauldron of the Dagda.
May the mighty Tutha de Danaan stand tall with you brother as you sail into the unknown.

Invoke then, People of the Sea, invoke the Poet that he may compose a spell for you all:
For I, the Druid who sets out the letters in Ogham
I, who part the contestants of battle
I will approach the Rath of the Sidhe seeking a cunning poet, so that together we may concoct good incantations;
For I am a wind of the Sea.

And I simply bless you and your kind

Grant, O God, Thy protection;
And in protection, strength;
And in strength, understanding;
And in understanding, knowledge;
And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice;
And in knowledge of justice, the love of it;
And in that love, the love of all existences;
And in the love of all existences, the love of God.
God and all goodness.


...and from a little voice in the back of my head "never stop remembering who you are Twig - no one said it would be easy - take your pen and write, learn and importantly teach".


At Monday, August 29, 2005 12:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that things have not been going well for you. I have always considered you a friend and a true Druid and I am sorry if I have been neglectful in my responsibilities toward a friend. Much of my responsibility these days takes me out of the mainstream as I have my own small community to care for. I have of late been so preoccupied with the business of my immediate group that I have had little inclination to reach beyond our borders. Prehaps I should have been more in attendance with you on your site but it seemed that there was little I could give that you did not already have and my own community needed my attention far more than the greater world at large.
All is well with us at the moment and I do not foresee and difficulties on the immediate horizon. Our crops are mostly gathered in and our larder is full for the comming season. Now is a time for rest and some merryment amongst us. We have several new members in our small group, born into the world in late July and in the last three weeks. The mothers are doing well and the young ones are fit and happy.
I haven't been paying much attention to the goings on in the greater Pagan community. Things, I suspect, are not likely to have changes much since our last meeting. At any rate, I have little stomache for the gossip and petty bickering that usually fills the space for dialogue. I'm sick of pretenders and wannabes and the continuous bucking for position and all of the "LOOK AT ME" business that some are indulging in the community.
If you have need of a friend please do not hesitate to contact me. I shall always be here regardless.
Seamus MacNemi


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